How different are you to the average Sagittarius? Maybe you're not as blunt and outspoken as most Sagittarians? Maybe you don't relate to Sagittarius as optimistic and sometimes tactless?

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Sagittarius, the Archer
November 23 - December 21
Sagittarius Theme:

What makes us 'lucky'? Good feelings inspire great things: the confidence to make a leap, to try something, to dare to be or dream and the optimism needed to find the silver lining.

Belief rules the world - believe you can't and life gets stuck. Believe you can, and the world is a place of endless possibilities.

Adventure is the hallmark of any enterprise, when we reach out for more, to do more, be more, know more.

Curiosity drives us on, and by keeping an open mind we see that it's not a small world, in reality it's so vast and only as limited as we allow our perception of it to be.