How different are you to the average Virgo? Maybe you're not that tidy or health-conscious like most Virgos? Maybe you don't relate to Virgo as perfectionist and picky?

What type of Virgo are you? Could you have other signs stronger in your Astrological Birth Chart?

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Virgo, the Virgin
(Aug 23 - Sep 21)
Virgo Theme:

You know the feeling - you've cleaned your room, you light a candle. You sense that vibrating quiet around you. Your thoughts are calm, fluid, gentle.
You don't feel rushed, you don't feel pressured. Sure you have things to do, chores, lists, and things to take care of, but in this Moment, you're at peace.
Cleaning is a complex thing - there's always more mess, more imperfections and the more you clean the more you'll see.

However, by making life simpler, we have more time, more space, more energy and more room for things we enjoy. Shaping up, in the long run gives our bodies and our lives a longer time to enjoy this state of 'rightness'...a perfection of sorts.
A Virgo friend has a framed saying in his home
that says it all:

Love and  Service. Simple.