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1425 Asteroids Report!

In this report 1,425 asteroids are analyzed to see if they are conjunct in zodiac longitude the Sun, Moon, or planets in the birth chart within a 1 degree orb! If the conjunction occurs, information about the asteroid is provided.

Those astrologers who include hundreds of asteroids in their interpretations believe that the asteroids often related to very specific events in your life. The names of close family and friends and situations that you encounter in life often reflect the nature of the asteroids that are conjunct planets in your chart. You may not be extremely passionate about the subject area related to the asteroid but somehow, as if by fate, you are drawn into situations and circumstances that bring the qualities of the asteroid into your life. By reading your Asteroids Report you can see for yourself if the asteroids conjunct the Sun, Moon, and planets in your birth chart, provide keys to many of the situations that you encounter in your life.


A Personal Reading with Neil

One Reading lasts a lifetime (and beyond!) A Full In-Depth Birth Chart Reading (80 minutes) of your Birth Chart & Life Blueprint: for the most detailed, in-depth & interactive Personal Reading with Neil. Comes with a free audio copy.

This Reading packs Neil's 19 years of Astrological Study, intuitive insight, awareness of human dynamics and life experiences into a personalized and unique session specific to You. You'll be taken on a personal Journey of your Life Story. Your Soul's History (including family dynamics and genetic material) your current frame of reference and your direction this lifetime. Ask personal questions and discover what your Birth Chart shows about your unique Life Path, Career/Finance Picture, Problem Areas, Relationships, Family, Health, Future Choices, Challenges, Strengths, Gifts, Past Live Patterns, Your Soul Purpose and more. A firm foundation for all other Readings.


Asteroid Goddesses

Based on Demetra George's ground-breaking work on asteroids this Report contains new concepts not found elsewhere. The first asteroids to be discovered - Ceres, Pallas, Juno and Vesta - form a self-contained symbol system that casts new light on women's issues, and gives both men and women new insights into areas such as parenting and nurture, career, partners, sexuality and spirituality. After a thorough and informative introduction to asteroids in astrology, the report treats the four main asteroids in depth. For each goddess, it includes the essence of her mythical story, her main themes, the life-stage she rules, and delineations of her sign, house and aspects to the rest of the chart. Delineations of each asteroid by sign, house and aspect include conjunctions to the four chart angles and the lunar Nodes, and major and minor aspects to the Sun, Moon, regular planets and other asteroids.
Reports between 40 and 50 pages. Sample at http://alabe.com/Diana-%20Asteroid%20Goddess.pdf


AstroJourney Timeline

AstroJourney Timeline - 3 months. Survival is tougher today. Astrology is like a road map. Your road map. Your destiny. Today, more than ever before, we live in a world of choices. Your fate isn't set in stone and this Report outlines the options you have as you move through each day, each month of your story. This Report was initially written for adolescents and young adults but the transit material is solid and transcends age so everyone can benefit from this material.


AstroJourney Timeline

AstroJourney Timeline = One Year


AstroJourney Timeline

AstroJourney Timeline - 6 months


Birthday Year Ahead Solar Return Report Package

Details the next 12-months from your birthday.including overview, month-by-month, personal calendar and cycles and compared aspects between your Natal and Solar Return Charts. An annual favorite! For more info copy and paste this address into your browser: http://www.newworldastrology.com/sr.html for the full lowdown on what you'll get in these Reports. For the best deal, schedule the Solar Return Reading - which includes a 80 min Reading, a 365 day Personal Transit Report specific to Your Chart, and a free audio of your Reading!


Centaur Report

This report includes a comprehensive look at your natal Centaur placements to ensure complete grounding and connection with your home planet, Earth.

Your personal connection to the powerful and transformational black holes takes you into a dimension of inner self reflection intended to clarify your essence and your connection with All That Is. Enjoy your journey into the exciting vastness of space! Centaurs are asteroids with several properties in common, one of which is that they travel from deep regions of our solar system to within the orbit of Jupiter. They are similar to comets but are larger. The first Centaur discovered was Chiron in the year 1977. Chiron was first thought to be a kind of planet, but is now considered a Centaur by most astronomers. Beginning with Chiron, the Centaur Reports takes a comprehensive look at your natal Centaur placements, beginning with Chiron, and continuing with Pholus, Nessus, Asbolus, Chariklo and Hylonome.



Discover more about the boy or girl in your life! Whether you have a child on the way, a newborn babe in your life or a little rascal already running around your feet, this is the Report for you! Catch a glimpse of the potential of the New Soul in your life, their likely development and personality traits already ingrained in your child - that you can help develop - and the challenges you may expect to face later! Discover your role in their lives and help them to fulfill their Destiny by allowing them to unfold in their own time, in their own unique way. Find ways of comforting and teaching that your child will respond to the most, and areas in life where your guiding hand will be both appreciated and needed. A New Soul is a new beginning, and a new Light in the world. Give them the best chance, by providing the safe space they need, with the astrological insight to help them on their own special path.



Wouldn't it be nice if at every new birth the parents were given a manual on exactly how to raise their new child to be a healthy, happy, fulfilled human being? . This unique report helps a parent instantly recognize and attune to a child's strengths, aptitudes, potential and even recognizes challenges the child and parent may face as they grow and develop.

Prepare for the changes ahead, Learn to spot and avoid dangerous pitfalls over-disciplining Resolve contradictions and soothe anxieties Help your child fulfill each possibility Each individual report is unique to your child!

Sample at http://www.astrologysoftware.com/software/rws/download/child_pro.pdf


Complete Relationship Report

Now you can look at a relationship from all angles, combining the best of classical chart-comparison practice with the more modern technique of composite charting.

The chart-comparison section appraises each partner's basic temperament from emphasis in elements, modes, signs and houses. Then there's a study of the sign on, rulership of, and planets in each person's 5th, 7th and 8th houses. Then comes how the two charts relate to each other, with aspects between the two charts and a reading of the planets of each person in the other's houses.

The composite section creates one composite chart out of the two birth charts, and reads it much like a natal chart to get at the quality of the relationship itself.

Joan Negus's all-new text totals over 50 pages and covers a variety of ways each combination can play out. She discusses both strengths and weaknesses, and offers practical suggestions for building upon the strengths.

Sample at http://alabe.com/kennedyrel.pdf


Cosmo Natal Report

An easy to read and fun exploration of all your planetary placements in their houses and signs and aspects between them. Comes with color pictures.


Cosmo Relationship Report

Is this a soul-mate or karma-mate? Unfinished business? Consider a telephone consultation for greater depth, but this is a great starter to get a handle on the two of you.


Deluxe Color Chart

Comes complete with Aspect Grid, and explanation of the Sign Symbols and Planet Symbols, including element emphasis (Your Fire/Earth/Air/Water Balance) along with closest aspects in your Chart. The colors are designed specifically to reflect the 'energies' of the planets and signs


Edgar Cayce Past Life Reading

Atlantis? Egypt? Europe? Where did you live, who were you and what happened back then? A special Report based on the findings of psychic Edgar Cayce. strologer Ry Redd calculated on computer the astrology charts for hundreds of people who received readings by Edgar Cayce which contained astrologically-based information. By studying these astrology charts, Ry Redd determined what planetary influences were most likely responsible for the readings by Edgar Cayce. In many cases the astrological basis of the Cayce readings appears to be very straightforward. From this information Ry Redd was able to develop, in conjunction with the computer programmers at Cosmic Patterns Software, an analysis of your birth chart as Ry Redd believes that Edgar Cayce's psychic readings would have interpreted it. Ry Redd's research effort was exhaustive and was conducted over many years, some of which was spent at the Edgar Cayce library at the Association for Research and Enlightenment headquarters in Virgini



This naughty and tantalizing report is an insightful delineation of one's lovemaking style and sexual needs. It begins, "If you are looking for a romantic, lovey-dovey astrology report, you won't find it within these pages." Instead, you'll find a scent that's musky, and a feel that's moist - a feisty and free-wheeling romp through the sexual side of your chart unlike anything you've ever seen. The report delineates everything from "Your Animal Skin" (the Ascendant), to the Sun (your vital and energetic glow), Moon (that swirling tropical cocktail of milky needs), to Pluto's scalding cauldron of death and rebirth. The report offers all kinds of kinky and spirited suggestions for ways to have fun and challenge your boundaries. Prints out to about 25 pages.

SAMPLE: http://alabe.com/MadonnaEroScope.pdf


Feb 2015 Relationship Special

All month long Neil is offering Relationship Readings for the involved, committed, curious or single. Bring your questions, quandaries, queries or concerns to the table and Neil will look at your Chart alongside the person in question using Synastry and Composite techniques. 30 minutes.


Follow up: Half Hour Reading

A 30-minute check in anytime for specific questions, queries, or for more insight into a current life situations or upcoming cycles. Comes with a free audio copy.
Not for first time clients. Please order the Personal Reading with Neil.


Follow up:: Hour Reading

Ask any questions, and Neil will map out your current cycles and take a look at areas of your Choice to answer any questions you have. Comes with free audio copy.
Not for first-time clients. If you're new, order the Full Natal Reading with Neil.


Free Natal Chart Wheel

Join me on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/neildparis
for a Free copy of your Astrology Chart and free classes, video horoscopes and regular updates on what's happening in the planets and how it's affecting everyone down here on Planet Earth.


Friends and Lovers

This report examines you "in relationship." Choose FRIEND or LOVER. Your birth chart is analyzed then the chart of another person and then we compare them. It will give you real insight into how exactly you relate (or will relate) to that specific other person. You'll uncover your strengths and weakness, your unique challenges, and what roles you will likely play in relation to that person. It then turns around and provides similar information from the other person's perspective. I warn you in advance that these reports are accurate and insightful therefore, you may not always like what you read or you may be pleasantly surprised! Whatever the outcome, the knowledge you gain in reading this report can help you to make the most of your relationship, helping you navigate those 'black holes' that every couple inevitably steps into at some point. Know yourself and understand who you are involved with, friend or lover!

Sample at http://thenewage.com/software/rws/download/friends_pro.pdf


Full In-Depth Event Planning

Your Personal Event Planner for ultimate success


Full In-Depth Event Planning Reading

Full In-Depth Event Planning Reading


Full Moon Ritual & Reading

Full Moon Releasing Ritual & Reading. A 40 minute journey through the meaning of the current Full Moon period and what it means for you personally, via the alignments in your Birth Chart.


Gay Man/Woman Report

Gay Man/Woman Report


Gay Woman Report

Gay Woman Report


Heaven Knows What

The meaning of any planet in a sign doesn't stand alone but is modified by the other aspects found in your chart. This report contains both natal and transit interpretations and includes the sign each planet occupies along with the Sun and Moon combined affects on personality and a variety of conditional statements and considerations. This Report reflects a deeper synthesis of a natal chart than most other astrological reports. In addition, transits are included to reflect current planetary energies as they affect natal tendencies. You will not find another interpretive report that is more balanced in its approach to your chart and the events in your life.

Sample at http://www.astrologysoftware.com/software/rws/download/heaven_pro.pdf


Hour Event Planner

Charting the cycles of your personal project


Indra Report

The INDRA Report is a psychological mirror of your life, by interpreting the astronomical symbols present at your moment of birth. Discover your basic motivations, perceptions, inclinations, and character from a number of different perspectives giving a highly accurate composite view of your life. Your life can improve quickly and dramatically if you apply the suggestions given here. The INDRA Report is divided into Twelve sections or chapters, reflecting the Twelve basic areas of your life. I. The Structure and Intent of Your Life A. Hemisphere and Quadrant Emphasis B. Elements and Modes Balanced C. Ascendant and Midheaven. D. The Conjunctions II. THE SUN - Your ego structure. III. THE MOON - Your personal life. IV. MERCURY - Your mental life. V. VENUS - Your love nature. VI. MARS - Your energy. VII. JUPITER - Your values. VIII. SATURN - Your obligations. IX. URANUS - Your search for freedom. X. NEPTUNE - Your spiritual aspirations and ideals. XI. PLUTO - Your need for fundamental cha


January 2015 "pay what you want"

For the entire month of January you can choose how much you'd like to spend and you'll receive a Reading with Neil for the time equivalent!


Karma Class

A 20-minute audio where you'll stop into the "karmic classroom" where I'll lay it down for you in plain and simple terms what you came here to learn, what you forgot, your "karmic signature" - patterns from your past that may replay today. We'll explore your Karmic Lunar Nodes & their rulers, Saturn and Pluto alignments, your 12th House skeletons and your chart as seen from a karmic and past life perspective. Your soul remembers. Isn't it time you did?


Karmic Insight

From an esoteric point of view your birth chart is a portrait of your soul's intention for this lifetime, the lessons to be learned, qualities to develop, problems to be resolved, service to be rendered. From that perspective, the choices one makes in one's daily life have reverberations that may last beyond even this lifetime. This report is written to help you clarify your lessons and goals, illuminate your struggles, and encourage you to move in the direction of your true purposes.


Life Progressions

Reading a personal Life Progressions report is exciting. It is like opening a window on some future version of yourself to glimpse who you will be, and what influences will be impacting your daily life. This insight into your future can help you make the right choices at the right time in order and avoid unnecessary stumbles and pitfalls as you proceed through the maze of life. Life Progressions reports offer direction and guidance that can put you on, and help you stay on a successful path towards realizing your full potential.

Sample at http://www.astrologysoftware.com/software/rws/download/life_pro.pdf


Lunar Eclipse Reading

Lunar Eclipse Reading. A guide to what to expect during this important time.


Lunar Return - 1 month

As the Moon speeds through the month, the minute hand of your Lunar Return moves through all twelve houses of both your natal and Lunar Return charts, as well as hitting both sets of planets. There are forty-seven such events, and they recur repetitively every month, although not at the same time, nor in the same order. Even though these events repeat themselves each month, the playing field changes, and thus the basic transits have a different role to play every month, all the while retaining their core implications. Interpretation of the individual transits begins with the symbolism of the degree at which they occur, followed by an interpretation of their general meaning, and finishing with an outlay of the specific issues and influences they may bring into your life.
Sample at http://www.astrologysoftware.com/software/rws/download/lunar_pro.pdf


Lunar Return Annual Subscription

There's simply too much you'll receive to mention here, so visit the dedicated Lunar Return page here! http://www.newworldastrology.com/lunarreturn.html


Matrix Past Lives

It's like deja vu all over again. A growing number of astrologers have begun to look at our natal charts as they would an evolutionary organism, a picture of an energy which is moving through time, growing and changing with each new natal experience. A few astrologers have developed what they believe to be a valid way of viewing the natal chart so that it displays the steps of this evolutionary process. This view of the birth chart helps to explain, for each individual, those experiences, feelings, knowledge, and skills which seem to be unexplainable, when only a traditional view is taken. Although everyone may not agree with this interpretation, YOU WILL KNOW if what you are being shown holds true for you.

Sample http://www.astrologysoftware.com/software/rws/download/past_pro.pdf


Mercury Retrograde Special Reading

A thorough guide to what this particular Retrograde Mercury cycle means to you via the alignments in your personal Birth Chart. Be prepared!


Naughty Natal Report

Soulful, Sexual, Saucy, Steamy & Silly (yet Sound) Interpretations of the humorous kind What can I say about this Report? Order your own (or sneak one on someone else you know) if you dare... Disclaimer: We take no responsibility for the scary likeness of yourself that you may find within these audacious Reports.


New Age Gay/Lesbian Report

Not just a Personality Report but also a Guide for your Growth and {Personal Evolution in the New Age we currently live. Divided into two sections: the first one analyzes your personality with its multiple facets (Sun and Moon positions); and the second one analyzes the twelve astrological houses. This Report is not merely descriptive. In the majority of cases, ideas are suggested that can help your personal evolution, metaphysical, spiritual, nutritional and general. In a few places there may be certain contradictions because an astrological influence may favor one aspect of life over another. Gay and Lesbian Reports also available.


New Age Man/Woman Report

Not just a Personality Report but also a Guide for your Growth and {Personal Evolution in the New Age we currently live. Divided into two sections: the first one analyzes your personality with its multiple facets (Sun and Moon positions); and the second one analyzes the twelve astrological houses. This Report is not merely descriptive. In the majority of cases, ideas are suggested that can help your personal evolution, metaphysical, spiritual, nutritional and general. In a few places there may be certain contradictions because an astrological influence may favor one aspect of life over another. Gay and Lesbian Reports also available.


New Moon Ritual Reading

New Moon Ritual Reading. A 40 minute journey through the current New Moon and what it means for you personally, via your Birth Chart alignments.


One Hour Planner Reading

One Hour Planner Reading


One Question via Email: Tarot

Tarot cards are an amazing tool to gain insight on ANY subject. Just ask a direct and clear question and the cards will give you a direct and clear answer - and may even point out something more important to be aware of than your actual question! Only one question per order, please.


Past Life & Karmic Insight Package

Past Life & Karmic Insight Special Package


Professional Forecaster

With its 5 major text databases totaling over 800 pages of delineations by Bruce Scofield, the Professional Forecaster is several report programs in one - an encyclopedic predictive program that includes not only transits, progressions and solar arc directions to the natal chart, but also progressed-to-progressed and transit-to-transit aspects and ingresses.

You'll get an entire year of forecasting in one Report!
Sample at http://alabe.com/SarahPalin-YearlyTransitsandProgressions.pdf


Professional Natal Report

Steve Blakes acclaimed 20 000 word text has always helped people to use the strengths of each aspect and to be aware of the excesses and rejoice in their own individuality. It is noted for its solid astrology, helpful advice and exemplary thoroughness. It even includes text for minor aspects like the quincunx and semisquare. Also contains info on empty houses and less than average emphasis in elements and modes.

See a sample at http://alabe.com/BarackObama-AstrolabesProfessionalNatalReport-LV.pdf


Relationship Reading

Using the intricate methods of Synastry (Chart Comparison) and Composite (Chart Synthesis) we'll explore your relationship IN FULL in this 80-minute Reading with Neil.

From where you 'click', to where you 'clunk' - your Soul Agreements (the reason you met), and the many potentials, possibilities and pitfalls of your union.

Let's face it, you met for a reason. This Reading will help you improve the weak spots and build on the strengths already evident between you.


Relationship Reading : 30 min special

Using your birth data and the birth data of someone else, this half-hour journey through your Relationship will uncover the karmic agreements your soul's made together, which explains your current issues and how you can best navigate through them.


Relationship Report - Friend/Business

Relationship Report - Friend/Business


Relationship Report - Love

Relationship Report - Love


Relocation Report

This Report charts the planetary alignments you'll be living under in THREE cities/states/countries of your choice. You get to choose and the Report will cover all the important aspects of your chosen destinations to see how you'll fare in various part of the world.


Saturn's Promise

This report discusses your entire life from the perspective of Saturn. Saturn's birth potential encompasses these general considerations: physical development and health considerations, mental and emotional development, areas of pessimism or limited enjoyment, consciousness of self, career and enduring legacy, your life path in general, from starting point to life lessons to rewards, potential for wisdom and maturity.
First it tells about the potential of Saturn as seen in the birth chart. Then it considers the milestones throughout the life when Saturn makes a square or opposition aspect to the natal Saturn. Third, it calculates and interprets the position of Saturn in the Saturn Return chart. Now you can provide an interpretation that tracks this important planet's influence from birth to the third Saturn return at 90 years of age.See the shifting influence of Saturn as it transits, and identify central influences for the coming cycle, as seen in the



Simpaticos is a Relationship Report based upon the Composite Chart. For those of you unfamiliar with this technique, the composite is the chart for a relationship created by combining both charts into One. This is a symbolic synergy of a relationship and its shared mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual chemistry. It offers profound insight into how the relationship between two people will work.
There may be two people in a relationship, but often there is a third force present that exerts equal or even greater power over the direction of a relationship. This powerful force is the focus of examination and analysis by the unique Simpaticos report.

Sample at http://www.astrologysoftware.com/software/rws/download/simpaticos_pro.pdf


Single Lunar Return Report

Single Lunar Return Report


Six Report Package!

Sixz Report package - 50% off!


Solar Eclipse Reading

Solar Eclipse Reading. A guide to what to expect during this important time.


Solar Return Annual Reading (Birthday: Next 12 months)

The ideal Annual check-in - for less than $1 a day! Each year at your birthday the Sun returns to where it was when you were born. The Solar Return Chart for that moment lasts a full 12-months. This special Reading covers the entire period from your birthday this year to next year's birthday, outlining the year's New Themes, challenges, opportunities, people & life events. Track the next chapter of your life.

Highly Popular with regular clients at birthday time or during the year.

80-minute Reading comes with your own 365 day Transit Report specific to YOUR Chart ---- plus a FREE audio copy of your Reading!

We'll explore your Solar Return on its own, in conjunction with your Natal and overlay of Houses, planetary transits, eclipses and special events that show up in your Year Ahead.

If you'd like something written, you can also order a Solar Return Report Package which combines two awesome written reports specific to your alignments in the coming year.


Surfing Your Solar Cycles

Your own Personal Solar Cycles - the dates each Cycle starts and ends in Your Chart, along with a synopsis of the meaning behind each Cycle. Something to keep with you for the rest of your life, to use in conjunction with my book Surfing Your Solar Cycles: A Lifetime Guide to Your Stars.


Tarot Question Answered

Neil will cast the Cards for you, in a spread specific for an impromptu Reading, answering One Question. Emailed to you within 7 days.


The Asteroids Report

* Ceres shows How you Care and Nurture & what you really care about. Mother-child issues and Parenting. Oh, and food!
* Juno shows who you're likely to end up with long-term (if it's to survive), your "Must Haves" in any partnership - and the demons of jealousy and other monsters that lurk in intimacy.
* Vesta can give you keys to how you express your sexuality and where your "inner flame" burns eternal.
* Pallas Athena reveals your approach to solving problems creatively and your pattern-spotting abilities.
* Chiron offers clues to where you can be a mentor or a healer and the hurts you carry that you can help others with.



The Sky Within

Steven Forrest is one of our best, meaning he is one of the finest practicing astrologer/authors working today. His sense of an individual's character as symbolized in an astrological chart is deeply intuitive. His writing reflects his caring sense of the unique spiritual nature of each being and their important place on this planet. He gently guides the reader through a very personal introduction to themselves, often identifying characteristics, talents and potential that a person may not have previously expressed, but innately felt.
A Sky Within report is like a conversation with a very close trusted friend. It is filled with truth and presented in a manner that allows the reader to acknowledge those truths about themselves that may not be readily revealed to even the people closest to them. A Sky Within report is a rewarding experience, for some a life-changing experience.



Time Together

Track your relationship as it moves through time! Find out what the future holds for both of you and what you will encounter in the days to come with your personal Time Together compatibility astrology forecast! A Time Together astrology forecast illustrates the ways in which your relationship evolves as time passes, providing day-by-day analysis and offering a general overview of the relationship over time.
Time Together astrology forecast can help you identify who is causing the problem, you or your partner, and when there are astrological influences that compound the problem. Once you are aware of them, you can take the advantage of your strong points, and find ways of dealing with problems that you may not have been aware of previously. When you understand astrological influences on yourself and your loved ones you will be better prepared to deal with anything that comes your way.

Sample at http://www.astrologysoftware.com/software/rws/download/time_together.pdf


TimeLine Transits & Progressions

Covers your next six months. Astrology does not claim to be able to forecast a specific event happening to you at a specific time and place but what a TimeLine report does do, however, is tell you exactly what planetary influences are at play in your life, and when, and how these influences will be relevant to you, based on your own personal birth chart.
This information empowers you to make better choices. TimeLine reports are written in a clear and concise manner, with an easy to understand style requiring no knowledge of astrology. You will intuitively key in on the things most important and meaningful to you at the moment and the rest will come naturally. Soon you will be able to recognize and understand what is going on now, as well as what is coming up. The accuracy of a personal TimeLine report may amaze you.
Sample at http://www.astrologysoftware.com/software/rws/download/timeline_sample.pdf


Togetherness Report

Tracking the future of two peoples natal charts and combining the resulting list of indicators can be complicated but now we can. The Composite Chart, able to represent both people as they are in a relationship, combines their individual charts into a single chart, romantic and otherwise. This Report shows the nature of the individual relationship and how that relationship changes over time, giving a day by day analysis and charting out the overall future of the relationship as it progresses. These reports are in a new easy to read visual format and include a complete set of Astro Images. These are tarot like cards that communicate directly with the mind, visually conveying, at a glance, the essence of an aspect.

Sample at http://www.astrologysoftware.com/software/rws/download/togetherness.pdf


Your Personal Solar Cycles

As an accompaniment to Neil's book Surfing Your Solar Cycles, Neil will send you your very own Personal Solar Cycles, giving you the start and end dates of each of your 12 cycles, and a synopsis of what each means. Birth Time needed.


Your Spiritual Path

Our spiritual character and needs are well defined from the instant of our births. Yet from that same moment forces around us begin to exert sometimes overwhelming influence on the direction of our spiritual development. Though well intended these forces may move us along a path that is in fact contrary to our own best interests. The conflict between your inner spiritual being and the information you are being given may cause a dissonance that vibrates through every aspect of your life, just as the harmony of true spiritual development can be seen in your every action. Learning to identify and acknowledge the characteristics that define your innermost self is the first step in achieving the harmony and spiritual fulfillment you seek.

Sample at http://www.astrologysoftware.com/software/rws/download/spath_pro.pdf


If accessing on your phone and cannot see the list click here. The sky within $9.95, Life Progressions $9.95, Asteroids Report $9.95, Heaven Knows What $9.95, cheapest astrology reports, 
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Personalized Astrology Reports
If accessing on your phone and cannot see the list click here